Do you think Matt Mitcham and his diving partner have had any hanky-panky in the showers?
I know if Matt Mitcham was my diving partner I would be more than open to any sexual advances he made.
It turns out that the first openly gay Australian Olympian was also a dive and the first gay Aussie athlete (who came out after the Olympics) was a trampoliner. With all those fit gymnasts hanging around I wouldn’t be surprised if 100% of gymnasts/divers/trampoliners were gay.
Here are a couple of pics of the gorgeous Matt Mitcham.
YES! that last picture is particularly attractive!! hahaha
he is rather nom! i must agree.
btw i just thought i would let you know its fucking epic site!
Jack – cheers mate.
I loved him in the last Olympics…and he’s totally hot. The definition on those muscles…WOW!
Alas, though, that last photo is a face you only want to see on someone who…I don’t know…was rimming a little too aggressively and got a surprise, or something.
somehow I don’t think so, he has a lovely long term partner Lachlan who he is very devoted to…..
Dr. Phil,
I’m pretty sure between you and me we could get ‘that’ face out of him – hehehe.