From the feedback that I get on this blog and through my other sites – it seems as though there is a bunch of followers/readers who are speedo enthusiasts and who are also married.
As you guys know, I consider myself bisexual but many of these married guys love the blog but are hetrosexual married men – they just love speedos.
I think it is awesome and the more married or str8 guys wearing speedos the more and more common I would think they would be.
I’m trying to put together a nice little interview/questionaire and if any of you ‘married guys who love speedos’ are interested I’d love to ‘interview’ you. Obviously nothing personal or giving away your identity.
Also, if anyone would like to ask a question – leave a comment on this post and I’ll see what I can do.
It is an absolutely beautiful winters day here on the coast – blue ski, no wind so I think I’m going to go for a walk, maybe grab some fish and chips up at the Haven.
Dave – how does one get to be interviewed?
I’m practically married (engaged to be married) and I love speedos
Have sex in speedos all the time – also loooooove my girl in speedos or a bikini, nothing quite like it.
SpeedoM8 – shoot me an email
Hungspeedoboi – I love girls in bikinis too mate.
I’ll answer your survey. Married and a speedo fan.
Just sent an email. I’m interested.
Dave- did u get my email?
Luv U blog, and yes I’m married and me and my wife have sex in our hot speedos and we do like to join others guys and girls to join us too. It’s beach action in the bedroom !!!
Yer totally a speedos man and have been since i was a pre-teen.
Married for 30 years and 6 kids but i read this blog once a week.
Is there some kind of continuum from 0% through to 100% – gay at one end and str8 at the other? I think there is because how else do people like me love reading blogs like yours?
I’ll be a fan forever
Huge fan of the blog – married triathlete here. Check out this site about twice a week or so and sent you an email.