11 thoughts on “Love these Turbo Speedos

  1. I’ve liked some of what I’ve seen of Turbo’s offerings, but those ones don’t do a lot for me. Granted, I tend to prefer these things to be displayed on human models, as I’m sure we all do, but anyway…!?! 😉

  2. Well, Dr. Phil . . . I love the human model and his package in photo #1.

    While I love some of the designs Turbo have on sale, I’m not that keen on the wide sides of each garment. Prefer a higher and narrower cut.

    There’s also a bit of an issue with getting the sizing correct. I’d like to get a pair myself but don’t want the issue of multiple returns until I get the right size organised!

  3. I do like almost everything they do over at Turbo… if only because they have lots of variety, and every one is artistic in some way. Red, White, Blue, not normally my thing, but this one is good looking…

  4. Sam,

    The sizing is tough. My first pair were large and way to small for me. My current ones are XL and they are still a little tight but I’m using them as motivation to loose a few kgs.


  5. Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the useful advice. I’m still keen to get some Turbos but still a bit shy on account of the sizing issue!

  6. I had a couple pair or Turbo suits. There was very little stretch and the front had little or no room for my junk. Just too tight to wear for any length of time

  7. check out swimoutlet.com. The prices are better, they have live models and videos of the suits.

  8. Oh,certainly, Sam Speedo: both of these humans are great! But on the link Dave provided, they’re all just displayed as if it is a front and then back piece of fabric splayed out.

    DennisP: definitely, Swim Outlet is a great site! Their prices are mid-range, in my view.

  9. Guys, I have two of their suits, and they are by far, my favorite suit! If you like smooth, silky things such as I, these are the smoothest suit I have ever worn, that is out of my two dozen of other makes.

    Yes, they do not stretch, and they are sized rather small in comparison. I had to do just as Dave did, and purchase an XL, when I regularly wear a M.

  10. Does not matter what he is wearing, isn’t that second guy hot in those speedos. I would wear those especially if he was with me dressed like that, he would not be wearing them long though.

  11. The “London Tube” suit by Turbo is no longer available — it was featured late last year on the cover of DNA magazine and I had inquired at that point. They can be specially made, but the minimum order is 5 suits.

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