Well on my trip to the Gold Coast last week I met up with a guy from Melbourne who is a photographer. He shoots for some lesbian sites but said he would love to shoot any speedo models for me.
He showed me some of his shoots (of the girls) and what really got my attention was his indoor HOT TUB!!!
So today I’m going to be on the prowl for any hot young guys (have to be 18+) who live in Melbourne and want to get down to their speedos infront of the camera. I’m excited!!!
What kind of things would you like to see a model do?
Sport a boner.
Boston Kenn
Hey dave
I’m in Melb, and happy to model. Actually, I made a film about Speedos called Packed Lunch, which has screened at gay fulm festivals worldwide!
Drop me a line if interersted!
Red Speedos Oz