2 thoughts on “I’m wearing black speedos how about you?

  1. Ah, yes–I never get tired of GSB…where’s he from, I wonder? 😉

    Congratulations on the good head!

    I’ve often found many straight women (and bi women, for that matter) who aren’t hugely into cocks, i.e. they don’t like to look at them, etc. (which is why they don’t like Speedos quite often–an outline of cock is too much for their liking), but some certainly aren’t that way. However, to find a woman who really is into balls and enjoys playing with them? Fantastic…and I have yet to encounter it myself (or if I have, it’s not been “that type” of interaction with the woman in question).

    So, how many different sexual encounters is that this year for you thus far? You’re ahead of me infinitely, in whatever case, my friend!

  2. Dave — great start to the year — on the scoreboard already in fine style! I’m fascinated by girls who both play nicely and make guys look even better to each other, so will be lapping up all you share with us about your new lady friend, and particularly any physical description.

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