3 thoughts on “I’m outta here

  1. Hi Dave,

    I’ve recently discovered your blog and have been reading thru some of the posts. Your life seems to consist
    seems to consist of traveling the world, drinking alot, and having sex alot. I’m sure
    many who look at your blog, including me, are curious about how you finance your lifestyle.
    Do you have a job? If so, how do you manage to move to different locations on a regular
    basis? Or are you independently wealthy and don’t have to work? Thanks.

  2. Bob,

    Financially I live right on the bread line. I run a gay membership website – SwimmerBoyz.com – which in turn is supported by many of the readers of this blog.

    Sometimes I also do some web design for people but this is only when I’m short of the rent money.

    My trip to Mexico was paid for by Antonio. And my trip to Fiji was a similar arrangement.

    More money would be great – I’d love one day to have a house but that just seems soooo far away right now with property prices so high and me living week to week.


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