Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been researching a trip to Colorado. As many of you know, my server administrator Kip lives in Breckenridge (it is a Colorado ski town) so I’m going to go over and spend a few weeks with him.
Kip has been working for me for 3 or 4 years now. As well as working together we both play in speedos together too.
This morning I finally got everything booked and I’m off next Thursday. Time for snowboarding, hottubs and American penis!!! If anyone is going to be up in Colorado in early Feb be sure to drop me a line.
My, Oh, My! Who is that beautiful man!!!
If all the guys in Colorado look this good I think I’ll join you, He’s absolutely gorgeous
oh boy are you going to have fun. it has been snowing for weeks up in the mountains (i live in the denver area)and been rather dry in the plains.
I saw that Breck got about 50″ of snow in the last week. but all i can think about is speedos and beaches and you want to come here and ski. in fact will go up to Winter Park this week. have a safe trip!
lucky kip =P
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