What do you guys think about the new blog layout?
I’m personally over the moon about it. I love it!!!
One last thing that I want to do is to put an about me page for those readers who are here for the first time but other than that there is nothing more I can think of.
Today Mike left – I’m not really sure when I’ll see him again. Was definitely fun while it lasted. I’ve updated my online dating profiles today (yeah I am getting back on the horse quickly). There aren’t that many gay guys in Queenstown but if there are I’ll find them I promise.
I also emailed a couple that I have had fun with here in the past – I’ll find the old posts for you guys tomorrow. I’m off for an early night like the good boy that I am.
Dr. Phil
It is a good design! I do approve! 🙂
But one thing I do miss from the previous design is the ability to look at an individual entry, and then to navigate to the previous or following entry easily, without having to go back to the main screen. It may just be I’m a dyslexic luddite and have not figured out how to do that, but the “Previous” and “Next” options at the tops of the old entries made it easy to see how to do it. Enlighten my ignorance if I have been missing the cues, O Great and Powerful Dave!
The blog is great Dave, very organised and done with heaps of passion. Keep it up!!!