I wish I could and I wanted to stay with Kip in Colorado but I kinda felt like I needed to get home.
It is such a blast hanging out with Kip, we get so much work done, we hang out in speedos all the time (just like the guys pictured below), he knows Colorado so well that he always has adventures planned. When I get a minute or two to breath I will be posting more about those adventures.
In the mean time though, I feel like I’ve neglected you guys so I have some fun stuff planned for this week. First off, tomorrow I have the ending to my last Vegas experience with Penny and Pat. Penny wrote it and even though I was there, I have jerked off twice reading it. There will be a couple of selfies of me later in the week as well.
While I did want to stay in Colorado, looking out my door at the sun on the ocean is pretty special. I think I might throw on my wetsuit and go for a quick surf.
I’m thinking about how much I love sucking a chlorine popsicle. I can smell and taste the delightful dish right now… I must take care of the rise in my camouflaged underwear right now.