4 thoughts on “I love America

  1. Och, laddie, yi hud tae be in 7th heaven.

    Mi dad used tae say “thur is no bad Scotch; just some better thin others.


    PS – and some nice hot cross buns in the pics.


  2. Hey

    I’m a kiwi guy who moved to San Fran 6 months ago. Hope you have a great stay here. Let me know if you’re heading out in the Castro or SOMA this weekend as I’ll probably be out an about.
    Hope you have a great stay here – We’ve had some graet weather recently although a bit colder the last few days. The weekend was awesome and a lot of fun at Bakers Beach. Email me at auckguy22@hotmail.com if you want to.

  3. Glad to hear you’re back online (I’ve been worried a bit, but figured you were on your way/in transit and preparation for such, etc.), and that your initial time in the U.S. at present has been good!

    And thank you for the above photos–the arse on that red feller is quite nice!

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