6 thoughts on “I am SPEEDOGUY

  1. that is hot. I hope that’t you, dave. Why don’t you wanna show yourself in the pictures, i mean , i bet you’re hottt!

  2. Hi Dave,
    I must say to you that place you are staying looks great.Those speedos of yours look really good.
    The thing is when you have to show other people you wear speedos,you just do it.
    Dave have plenty of fun,and enjoy yourself.
    Kind regards
    ps alawys drumming up support for your site when i talk to other guys about speedos.I greatly admie what you do ,keep it upmmmm.

  3. Hey Dave..place looks awesome and congrats on the site man…looks great…i have been in Prague this past week and had a great time…found the public swimming pool which was a heated outdoor pool with loads of guys in speedos swimming…was great to get laps in as not easy to get to a pool here in Roma….take care buddy and enjoy Mexico…cheers Tommo

  4. I knew you would work your magic in mexico. You have that way when str8 people catch you in your speedos.. Keep UP the good work. I look forward to more of your posts.. I also look forward to joining your site very soon!

  5. Dave if they are hott I hope they are interested. The pictures look great and I would love to stay somewhere like that. I have kind of like that in Key West and in the Bahamas. Wouldn’t that be fun to have a photo shoot on an island in the Bahamas? Anyway keep this up I love every post, again thanks for postin my fav. pic. If you are hung like a horse I think we would love to see a photo!!?

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