Kip and I have something in the pipelines. We still have to make sure we can pull it off but once we think we have a quorum (or a critical mass) I’ll share it with you guys.
I promise I’ll be able to share this idea with you tomorrow – whether we can do it or not.
In the mean time….. feast your eyes on these random hot speedo guys.
#245…is there a place we could meet?
He is hot isn’t he!!!!
That first guy is great. I have been looking at getting some more swimwear and found the garymajdellsports site. There is some great looking stuff there. Some called ‘liquid metallic’ in all colours that would turn a few heads. Some have a lace up front that look really cool.
What brand of speedo is the guy in #1 wearing? The one with “18” on the side?
Believe it or not I’ve slept with #245!!! He was amazing, and pretty good in the pool too 😉
First swimmer of that standard I spent a lot of time in bed with and whenever I smell chlorine it brings the memories rushing back. Because of how much time he spent in the pool he was never free of that smell!