I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret of mine. If you are looking for a really good blowjob, or if your partner (guy or girl) isn’t as enthusiastic about giving you as blowjob as you are about receiving them….. just add a little honey.
On Friday night Surfer Chick came over and I tried this with her and it went OFF!!!! (Read about it in detail on BisexualDave.com)
You guys are free to use this technique…. just mention me in the credits and tell me all about it. Hehehe.
If the boy with yellow speedo is too tired..i’m ready for help the blond boy..in the same position…
A friend of mine puts toothpaste on his cock to help delay ejaculation!
Seems to work! His partner, I guess, to quote the old Colgate toothpaste slogan “has a ring of confidence”! lol
Nothing it’s better than natural for me…honey arrives by surprise
I am ready when vasy has finished with the blond guy. Must try honey next time.