Happy Thanksgiving guys, I hope everyone is having a good day.
This is my first American Thanksgiving and we don’t celebrate it down under.
Time for me to play the good guest and I’m cooking up a big roast, with an Aussie twist. Instead of Turkey, I’m going with some Australian lamb. Yeah, yeah, I know it isn’t what it is about but I have no idea how to cook a turkey and I think it would be way too much food for just 5 of us.
There is a football game on so I think I’ll start cooking at half time.
Have a good day guys!!!
mmm all is good. i did not cook turkey. had buffalo and alot of veggies. hope you had a good meal and good day.
Beer Doc,
I’ve been having a little bit of buffalo as well – I really like it.
None of those ‘Rocky Mountain Oysters’ yet though.
hi bi in ipswich near brisbane