Maybe the trend is changing about speedos.
When I first got back in the pool here in New Zealand about 5 months ago I thought that there were way more swimmers wearing speedos than those wearing dork shorts. We are talking laps here. But yesterday I was at the pool and there were 4 other guys in the pool and they were all wearing dork shorts.
What I don’t get is that the same guys will nude it up in the changerooms. Interesting.
Must have just been a bad day. I wish I was hanging out with these guys though.

I’ll take the one in the glasses
oh to hang out with those 4…
Yes, what’s the story there?
I think it’s largely the difference between what people are willing to do behind closed doors and beyond them. Many guys don’t care if other guys see them naked (because they presume everyone is straight and therefore not interested), but then they’d fear being seen in public with a Speedo because someone might look more at them, or a woman might think they’re gay, etc. It’s ridiculous…
Yes, those guys are quite nice! What was the occasion, I wonder? Green Speedos in the Park day?
I think I’d take the guy 2nd from the right.
In a perfect world I’d take all four of them.
That is so funny as two of them are boys I know very well, the other two I only know from around the traps LOL
I believe the picture is taken from Summer Gay Day in Sydney at the beginning of the year ….
and you shoudl see what’s UNDER the speedos of one of them tooo
oh and two of them have been in DNA magazine