Well guys, I’ve been working uber hard over the last 6 months or more in negotiations with AussieBum founder Sean about buying AussieBum.
Not just buying a pair of AussieBums but buying the entire company.
Today I’m happy to announce to you guys first that the deal has been signed, sealed and delivered.
I think the AussieBum company and my existing business of adult sites should combine well. I have a few things I’m eager to change but I don’t have any desire to change the public image or product from AussieBum.
There will definitely be a lot more give aways on this blog as you guys can imagine.
Have a good day guys
Posted on: April 1st, 2011
Happy April Fools Day mate
April fools!
good one…….fool of the day
Not fair! It isn’t April fool’s day yet, in Canada!
But good one – totally had me freaking out for a bit!
You are an Aussie, and also a Bum! (But the good kind!)
No way. I TOTALLY fell for this till i read the other comments. Damn you dave, damn you!
I fell for it too! I thought how in the hell would you ever have enough time to run the sites and a manufacturing company!
Hey guys,
Great to hear I caught a couple of people out!!!
I’d love to run my own swimwear company and it is something I’ll be looking into over the next 6 months or so.
Not quite sure my pocket book is deep enuf to buy AussieBum though.
Hope you all had a great April Fools day!!!
Actually nearly caught me out with this. On my way through from start to finish