8 thoughts on “Girls and Speedos

  1. I never understood the girls who won’t touch the cock. Cock is awesome. Hell, I even like playing with flacid cock! But I meet lots of them. The majority of women I grew up around hated the cock, hated giving head, and then wondered why their boyfriends were such jerks who wouldn’t eat the poon. Gee, I wonder why?

    Straight vanilla girls are weird. You come by NYC one of these days, and I can show you we aren’t all like that. Heh.

    As for speedos, I totally dig ’em, as long as their on the right guy. Some men just ought not wear them…mainly fat guys and super hairy dudes. Sorry guys, ya’ll should stick to the swim trunks. But from what I’ve observed, speedos, like jock straps, assless chaps and poppers, seem to be more popular with gay men than women (though kinky/sex pos and sometime gender queer chicks like those things. 🙂

  2. Yes, this is something I’ve heard quite a lot, unfortunately. It’s one of the things that keeps me from exploring my options relationships-wise (and otherwise) with women these days, because the women I tend to be most attracted to are these types who often think Speedos are “the worst fashion faux pas ever invented,” and who in general don’t like to look at, think about, or have much association with cock unless it is inside them (where they can’t see it!). It’s often these same women who will wear quite revealing, small swimsuits themselves, with string-ties on the sides of the bottoms, and yet think that guys should be clad in swathes of fabric, like some sort of penile burqa or something.

    As far as I understand it, this is far more common amongst straight women of a conventional variety; bisexual women, and geeky straight women (i.e. ones who write male-male fanfic) are nowhere near as uptight about this.

  3. Iv only met one woman who didn’t like cock, and she’s just another “ex” now.

    All the girls and guys Iv ever been with were pleased with the thongs that I prefer to wear -you think speedos have a bad rep in the states… HA!

    However, no one has ever been enthusiastic to embraced and encourage my skimpies like my current girl does. She’s a gem, and keeper for a million reasons, but one of the best is that she is bisexual(as you all have predicted).

    AS a side note,
    -Next time you are feeling uneasy about wearing a speedo or a bikini, just think of all the thong wearers out there wearing half as much as you. Im sory if that sounds preachy, but I grin sometimes when a one inch Solar Speedo is my conservative “backup”. Sorry about the tanget.

  4. First — well done, Dave, for being your gorgeous natural self so that a game girl just can’t resist. Not quite game enough, but then many are not properly cock-centred.

    It would be good to know a bit about her build and colouring, so that we at least can join you in celebrating your cock pleasuring her. For your next fuck, get her doggy fashion, look down at her affectionately, and focus on those of us who have a rather better attitude to your cock urging you on. She should feel even more then, and it may wake her up a bit.

    I hope you’ll be seen round town with her, so she can make you look even better, and you can register the guys who are making that extra bit of eye contact with you…

  5. Yeh i do think bi girls are more open to the speedo thing, and i can personally confirm that bi girls are more fun in bed than straight girls. I havent run across a girl yet thats as cock shy as this british babe sounds like.

    so like did she guide you in or anything like that?

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