8 thoughts on “Girls who love speedos

  1. fortunately, my wife is one of those women who loves speedos. I wear them around the house often.

  2. While the photo is nice, the guy looks bored (or is a zombie…?!?), and the girl looks fake, in that way that too much fake tan and makeup and such turns one into Paris Hilton-esque plastic something not quite as attractive as one hopes…

    But, yes, it would be nice to meet a woman who actually likes speedos, or doesn’t get embarrassed at their mention. Seriously, I know so many sex- and body-positive folks, particularly women, but they all think of speedos as a fashion no-no, which is truly unfortunate…And, a few too many guys I know are the same, alas…

    But I hope you find many, Dave! 🙂

  3. As ever, good luck with the ladies, Dave — and if the guys want to claim you back for their own, then that’s a bonus. The important thing is that you keep telling us about it, in one of the few really authentic sex blogs to be found — raunchy but conflicted in a way that a lot of us can identify with.

    So if you should come across any pics of speedo bulge being flexed for a bikini babe keen to keep an eye on the main prize…

  4. Zebra: by “conflicted,” do you mean to say “bisexual”? There is a very big difference…

  5. I agree with Zebra but sometimes you leave us in the lurch and then never come back and tell us the rest of an adventure. 🙂 You reach the climax but never the conclusion. We all love to see how things come out. 🙂

  6. Dr Phil — Fair point, but I certainly don’t come here to be anything other than positive about the carnival of delights that Dave generously lays on for us. And it is perfectly possible to be both bisexual and conflicted, as witness the very thoughtful and articulate discussion we had in this space a couple of months ago. And unless you are very attractive, lucky and well-organised — as i can imagine you are, Phil — bisexuality rather tends to have conflict built into it, since it doesn’t even allow for a possible mirage of momentary monogamy.

    Yes, in going from raunch to conflict, I was using a shorthand that for once rather bypassed the thrilling area in between. But don’t doubt that it is important to me, and something that i’d want to be accessible to all guys who have started with girls.

    You can’t win — i admire Dave for his female conquests, his bi experiences and his commitment to all-male thrills, and have various people tell me off. But as he says himself, at the end of all this, he could just end up a regular married guy…

    All i can do is send free love to all, in the hope that the many lurkers, girls among them, will chip in too — Z

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