5 thoughts on “Getting my shit together

  1. Hey dave,
    Hope you are enjoying n.Z. I am in Wellington, shit weather here. Love ya posts and stories, but may be able to help you get laid. You need to find my friend, Charles. 20, beautiful body and bi, like you.

    Will find his cell and send it if you interested.

    steve gray

  2. Hi Dave,
    Well i hope your housesitting goes well.The main thing to enjoy
    yourself.You are in a most scenic spot in NEW ZEALAND.
    The weather for MAY is very mild,last year we had big snow
    storms,south island.
    Take care

  3. Dave I for one want to see those pics of you! Yes getting some speedo action should be #1 priority, I know you will not have any trouble though.

  4. so i went to see this guy tonite and as soon as i walked in the door he ripped my pants off and givin me head, only…..i got a lil deflated, which caused me to leave in shame….i don’t think it was him, he gives wicked blowjobs my god…..but i didn’t don the speedo for some reason and i think it affected the outcome…..sounds fucked up don’t it? what do you guys think?

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