Monday morning here and I hope all those in the US are enjoying your Memorial Day holiday.
My weekend started off with a bang on Friday night but Saturday and Sunday I did very very little. I feel lazy and blah right now but I’m going do to some cleaning and make myself go for a swim – otherwise I’ll just end up between the couch and the computer being very unproductive. I hate days like this – it isn’t like I’m feeling depressed – I just don’t feel like getting my teeth into anything.
One thing that I did get finished on the weekend is the website I started this site 5 years ago and closed it down because it became too much like my main site I’ve re-opened it aiming at a different price point and more for people who just want to watch some movies and then be gone.
You can join for under $10 and it has a huge movies archive which you can see all the movies on there.
Drop in and check it out guys – and if you decide to join it will be going to supporting this blog.
Believe you meant Labor (not Labour) Day;but it’s all cool.
You are dead right mate – I wonder why I thought it was memorial day?
Labor day in NZ in New Zealand is the 4th Monday in October.
Is it possible you add my Site at your Site links.
I´ll do the same.
Brazilian Studz
A few months ago you related a story about a threesome involving a girl and guy you know. I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago. I am like you enjoy being “in girls and guys”. I had a feeling that Jan a girl I really get on with fancied a threesome. I spoke to Will a guy I hang about with and he said he would be up for it if it worked out. I have a friend with a pool that is very private that I could use if he was away. I arranged with Will that he would come to the pool one afternoon and I went there with Jan. Jan and I were swimming in the pool, it is so private that we were swimming naked. Just as we got out Will turnd up, he did not know Jan so went to the other end of the pool and seeing we were naked swam likewise. We were lying on sunbeds when Will got out and he went to a sunbed at the other end. I pretended to be asleep, but noticed that Will was getting an erection. I had told him that Jan could never resist taking an erect cock into her mouth and if she saw him she may take the opportunity. When Jan saw what was on offer, she walked to the other end of the pool and wasted no time in putting as much of Will’s cock as possible into her mouth. Will has a massive one, when I was with him one night a few weeks ago we measured it and it was 8 inches long and a girth of 6 inches, he is cut, completely shaved and fully tanned. Anyway Jan was enjoying what she had and she was bending, back to me showing me her shaved pussy, I had already a great erection by then just watching her, so I walked over to where they were, both moaning, and slid into Jan causing her to moan louder. I had suggested to Will if we got lucky it would be great if we could both shoot our load into her at the same time. After a few minutes I could see he was about to explode so quickened my pace gave him a nod and we both shot our cum into Jan. By her shouts we assumed she had cum also. Jan then turned and gave me a great kiss passing some of Will’s cum into my mouth, Jan was then moaning and I saw Will kneeling in front of her licking her pussy and licking up some of my cum that was dripping out of her. Jan was not finished yet, she then went on to her knees and took my still erect cock into her mouth and Will was working his cock into me and we both shot another good load. We then lay exhausted on sunbeds, but Jan wanted to lie in the middle and took our cocks, one in each hand, and stroked them until we both had an erection and wanked us both off, and licked our cum off our stomachs. Jan came back to my place that night and in the morning suggested that I should have a completely shaved cock and balls like Will instead of just a shaved shaft. I agreed as long as she did it. The thought of it gave me an erection and she carefully did what was needed, and I needed no encouragement to get inside her afterwards. I saw Will again last week and we talked about our afternoon at the pool and he also liked the new look me and we spent the afternoon inside each other. We talked about getting a another guy to make up a foursome one day but would have to know him well as we do not use protection as is so much greater “in the raw”