4 thoughts on “Gay Dutch Boys

  1. How about more details of the action you shared with him? Those pics of the Dutch model are truly breathtaking in that Speedo!

    As for your date’s arrogance, that seems to be a frequent trait of young guys visiting foreign countries. When I lived in Germany, my German friends mentioned that about American guys they had met. Likewise, I’ve met a few young German guys being somewhat arrogant here in the US as well as in other European countries and in Thailand.

    As for many guys being bisexual, growing up in a more liberal society, which doesn’t stigmatize gays like happens in the US or repressive Muslim countries, allows guys to be more open to experimenting and to just having spontaneous fun with another guy, even if they might consider themselves to be straight. I’ve read numerous stories about Czech guys being quite open-minded in that way, which may account for there being so many really hot guys modeling for Bel Ami and other Czech porn producers.

  2. LOVE europeans. Cam 4 always has a “bicurious” euro guy with a 6 pack, tan and well hung package. Oh to live in Germany…….

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