The weather here is like spring – definitely shouldn’t be like this in August. So I went for a run today out of town and it was good but now I’m absolutely exhausted.
But not exhausted enuf to forget to post some pics today. I thank Boston Ken for his comment asking for some blowjob pic and here you go mate.
This first one is pretty hot – I love the speedo tan on this guy.
This second pic is an oldie and the quality isn’t that good but just imagine being a part of this scene. Hmmmm.
Dave,I want to thank you for posting some great pics> I too love speedo tan lines and bulging speedos. Speedos, water and blow jobs just fit together. Thanks again, I love your site! Speedo Steve in USA
Nice vein up the sack!
i dont care which 1 but i would be having sum fun wif any 1 of them
i love blowjobs with the speedos still on, very hot, says i can’t wait must have it now!
speedo tan lines give me a bonna
like it ,am gay in kampala , face book account martinsadrak