So today I took my board up and had a couple of runs before the cloud fell in and it wasn’t worth being up on the hill anymore.
I love the feeling of my speedos under by snowboarding pants!!! I’ve actually just gotten home and I was so horny driving home I walked in the door and had a quick jerk off.
Now my question is what should I do tonight? None of my friends are going out tonight (they all have to work tomorrow) and I’ve got the house to myself. Last night I had dinner with Peter and Michelle and what was a quiet night ended up in me getting to bed at like 3am and very very drunk. I slept in today so I feel fine.
What should I do tonight? I haven’t been out on the town in 2 and a half weeks!!! That is pretty pathetic for a single guy living in Queenstown. Thing is I don’t really feel like hitting the town up – but at the same time I’m not sure what else I’m going to do.
I’ve just poured myself a drink so I’m going to chill out and not think about it for a little while. Any suggestions please pass them on.
hahaha yeah you should come to auckland! thats what you should do 🙂