5 thoughts on “First Speedo Purchase

  1. No, alas…and, as hot and fun as this story is, I suspect it also didn’t happen to the person who wrote it.

    For one, I have never been to a J.C. Penny’s that has sold speedos of any kind–so, unless this was 20+ years ago, it’s a bit unlikely…Having curtains on the dressing rooms is also something that hasn’t happened since the 80s in most places. There are all sorts of rules for trying on swimwear that this transgresses, needless to say…

    Which makes me suspect it’s more of a fantasy than a factual report. But, oh well–it’s still hot!

  2. Perfect 🙂 thanks Dave – I don’t mean to sound disgruntled or anything in my comments it’s just that I started coming to your blog for the stories so it’s a little sad when they seem to be getting phased out, so thankyou for this!

  3. Evilotto – no probs mate, I took it as a positive comment.

    I love the comments and I’ll try to post more stories in the next few weeks.


  4. I agree with Dr Phil, this is a fantasy story, but still a good read. Gave me a hard just reading it. This guy is 35 years old and cums in his speedos, surely by now he has a guy who can help him with cumming on his body or better still up his arse.

  5. JC Penney has cameras in the dressing rooms to prevent theft. It’s incredibly unlikely this happened.

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