6 thoughts on “Feeling Bummed

  1. Dave, Hope things go okay with all your legal issues… Hope it all works out in your favor

  2. hey dave i’m been a fan of ur site for a while, hope everythings all good. If you need any help this is a subject that depending on the area i could be of some help? unless you got it under control

    all the best bro

  3. Trust it all works out for you mate, you don’t sound like a bad guy, fingers crossed for you

  4. It can be very hard to feel comfortable with and enjoy sex when youve been sexually abused. Even people who havent been sexually abused struggle to feel comfortable with their sexuality and sex. This article may be helpful to anyone who has issues with sexuality…….Many Survivors Are Vulnerable to Further Abuse..For many sexual abuse survivors sex becomes linked with sexual abuse.

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