Well over the last few days I’ve been dealing with some legal issues. It isn’t anything too serious but it is something I have to deal with. I’ve never been in any trouble with the law before and it is nerve racking. So much so that I haven’t been eating, I haven’t been sleeping and I feel really really nervous all the time.
I imagine this is how people with depression feel – I don’t like it at all.
This afternoon I have to go to the police station and then to my lawyers office. Wish me luck guys.
Maybe this speedo hunk would make me feel a lot better (I think he looks a little bit like a much younger Rodger Federer – maybe not but we can dream).
Dave, Hope things go okay with all your legal issues… Hope it all works out in your favor
hey dave i’m been a fan of ur site for a while, hope everythings all good. If you need any help this is a subject that depending on the area i could be of some help? unless you got it under control
all the best bro
Trust it all works out for you mate, you don’t sound like a bad guy, fingers crossed for you
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Thanks for the kind words guys.
Should have it all sorted out by Tuesday. Felt a lot better after yesterday.
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