I’m really sorry for not posting more of my naughty stories lately. I’ve been flat out working and getting things ready for New Zealand which is pretty much where I’ve made my decision.
The house is still trying to nail the rest of the Alphabet Game (click here to read about it) and tonight the house is doing U (for Underwear Party). I think the english girls are missing one or two letters but Sam and Ian are up to scratch and so are Will and I.
Today is another spring kind of day – I did go riding this morning for an hour and I keep forgetting to put sunscreen on and I’m getting quite a nice goggle tan.
This morning I was up early (before Will went to work) and I just had this craving to have someone (anyone) suck my cock. I don’t know where this came from – I suppose one is always keen to have their cock sucked but this was a craving!!! I was rock hard when I woke up and just caught Will going into the bathroom for a shower – once he was in the shower I snuck into the bathroom. With nothing on (although I did wear speedos to bed I took them off) I sat up on the bathroom sink and when Will came out of the shower he was greeted by my erect cock.
I asked him if he could help me out and he happily obliged.
Once I had unloaded into Will’s mouth I offered to return the favour (he was hard now too) but Will said that he wanted to hold off until tonight which we expect to get rather horny.
I’ll keep you posted guys.
Hi Dave!
Man you are so lucky to get cock so easily.
Basically I want to wish you a VERY HAPPY EASTER.
The underwear party sounds like fun. “U” is also for “UNDRESS”
“UNTIE” “UNDERNEATH”. Why not UNDRESS Will, UNTIE him while
ROBERT, Adelaide
You always have a tonne of great ideas mate – I should have given you a list when I started this.
The last 5 months have definitely been the most sexual of my life and I think it will be difficult to match in my life time. Great memories and still more memories to create in the next 15 days.
F’kin nice cock!
need some uniformed boys having some mmm fun
Hi Dave
Lovin the website, probably one of my favourites at the moment. That alphapet game is a great idea. Must try that soon.
Dave it’s cool. I know you are a busy dude. But I will always stay in
touch and support you in your dreams. Im a patient guy and you
are kind to reply here. Stay well and safe my friend!
I would like to suck your meaty cock.
Hi, this is my favorite website and I read almost everyday. Love your photos. Wish I can post my own photo on here
Have a great day and keep up the good work.
What a lovely cock. Suck him often and good.