9 thoughts on “Feeding Will my cock

  1. Hi Dave!

    Man you are so lucky to get cock so easily.
    Basically I want to wish you a VERY HAPPY EASTER.
    The underwear party sounds like fun. “U” is also for “UNDRESS”
    “UNTIE” “UNDERNEATH”. Why not UNDRESS Will, UNTIE him while
    he is UNDERNEATH U!
    ROBERT, Adelaide

  2. Adam,

    You always have a tonne of great ideas mate – I should have given you a list when I started this.

    The last 5 months have definitely been the most sexual of my life and I think it will be difficult to match in my life time. Great memories and still more memories to create in the next 15 days.


  3. Hi Dave
    Lovin the website, probably one of my favourites at the moment. That alphapet game is a great idea. Must try that soon.


  4. Dave,

    Dave it’s cool. I know you are a busy dude. But I will always stay in
    touch and support you in your dreams. Im a patient guy and you
    are kind to reply here. Stay well and safe my friend!

  5. Hi, this is my favorite website and I read almost everyday. Love your photos. Wish I can post my own photo on here 🙂
    Have a great day and keep up the good work.

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