After a few days inside working and cleaning up the house – Kip and I got out for a hike this afternoon.
We went up to this old mining town called St. Johns. Picnic lunch, a couple of beers and 4hrs of hiking. It was a little colder today but it was gorgeous and what a wonderful place in the word. It actually reminded me of hiking in New Zealand with all the mining history.
I took my camera but the battery was flat – prolly should have checked it before leaving the house. So instead of scenic photos of the nature kind – you guys will just have to suffice with scenic pictures of the speedo kind.
I’ve had a great response from the FREE DE Swimwear offer members of – I should be able to run this promo until the end of next week – I’ll keep you guys posted.
Enjoy the ‘scenic’ photos guys.
Great scenes… Wish it was summer here in the UK – we’ve had nothing but cold and wet weather for most of the past week.