9 thoughts on “F is for Fellatio

  1. Would love to know the number of hits on this site. I imagine the return hits would be low.
    Is this really a blog? A tease? or a commercial venture?
    Whichever, it is boring.

  2. Well yesterday (Jan 17th) there were 2,214 unique visitors who viewed 8,285 page views.

    I’ve only ever restricted a post twice – as you can see I spend a fair bit of time writing about my experiences.

    If you are feeling a bit upset – feel free to part with $13 OR just wait a week and I’ll make it available to everyone.


  3. Dave, I have been a frequent viewer for a few months, and believed you to be a decent and entertaining guy. However, my opinion has been changed by your above comment. You say “you are sorry for having to do this” but in reality, you are not sorry, you are a businessman. And while there is nothing wrong with that….you came off as rather cocky in telling the above poster to cough up the money or wait a week. The tease factor is all about bringing in business to your site, which is fine, but dont try to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes by denying that fact.

  4. Well dude if you have been reading this blog for months then you’ll know exactly where I’m coming from then.

    If anyone feels like stepping up and paying my rent feel free and I’ll make SwimmerBoyz.com free and I won’t limit the occasional post on here. I am sorry that I have to limit the occasional post (I have only done it twice) and when I made SwimmerBoyz.com a paysite 4 years ago I was upset about having to do that. But I have to pay the groceries and rent and speedos of course – and the only way I can do that is from the support of the members of my site.

    Again, if you read my blog as you say then I’m sure you know full well that I am not some big ‘businessman’. I can’t even afford a car here in Canada. I dedicate my life to speedos and if I limit the occasion post (that story took me 2 hrs to write – I had to masturbate 3 times during that period) then tough titties.

    And if this is so boring – nobody is forcing you to read it mate.

  5. Good on you dave. If people think the site is boring, then move on….why feel
    the need to bag it out? I find it an interesting blog to read. I have joined
    swimmer boys for a week in the past and found it to be worthwhile, downloading a
    whole lot of movies. As dave says, he needs to make money somehow, and why shouldnt he, for the
    people that find it interesting and enjoy reading im sure would be happy to subscribe
    for a week. Anyway, i hardly think this was the purpose of these comment pages- to
    have a dig or accusation (and yes, i see the irony in my own comment/post, but i felt
    like sticking up for dave):) But anyway, i look forward to hearing the restof what happened
    in the steam room!!

  6. As an admirer of Australian actors and athletes over the years, I’d just like to add that I really appreciate how much this site has done to get right to the heart of the pricks and balls inside the speedos… Jason Donovan may have had cute, young Kylie on his arm, but that only increased my interest in his speedo-clad form. And as for Guy Pearce in his Neighbours/speedo years — well, just don’t get me started…

    Dave, just keep on doing whatever you feel you have to, and I’m sure we’ll keep coming back in our thousands.

  7. Dear Mr Dave,

    I simply love your website.

    Its not JUST about speedos and sex. No Sir! I have made a few real friends
    through this site and http://www.WhiteSpeedos.com.

    Furthermore I have learned from you Dave what its like to live in another
    country….which I find stimulating and interesting.

    I do find it comforting to know there are others out there who share my
    love of spedos- particularly you Dave. I love your movies and this
    site was actually one of the reasons I decided to go out and buy my
    first computer. Through this site and WHITESPEEDOS I have learned how
    to “BLOG” and to post pictures. Furthermore, I have been educated how to
    download movies and burn discs. These are basic skills for the average
    Year 8 student, but they have been a challenge for me since I hadn’t
    touched a computer in over twenty years.

    Also, I dont mind the subscription fee. I do appreciate it costs money to travel
    and live in another country. But you bring me exciting stories of your exploits
    and ocassionally I have the privillage to chat with you in MSN.

    As for those who wish to tarnish your reputation or make little of this site
    and job, kindly refrain from posting these comments here. There is no such
    thing as a perfect website. And everyone has different tastes and values.
    I look forward to a successfull year for you Dave . Hope to hear from you soon
    here, in WHITESPEEDOS and MSN. I have grown to trust you and consider you a friend
    as I have taken up a computer course to further my skills and improve my lifestyle.
    I have grown up very fast and improved my communication skills the past few months-
    and you have been there to support and encourage my efforts.

    Concluding then, there is SO MUCH MORE than just money and sex when I
    think about this website. And clearly, Dave is doing a fantastic job bringing
    communities across the globe together to share a common interest. It does hurt
    and anger me when there are those out there who are ignorant to your cause.
    So I will always be here to support and defend you on this site. I look forward
    to your new speedo range which will not only be fun to chat about, but also
    fun to wear and stimulate my mind how I can make suggestions for subsequent
    batches! Take care Dude!

    Satisfied loyal member, ROBBIE !

  8. Hey Dave, any chance this post will be opened – now that this blag has paid members?
    (working my way through a retrospective and can’t read this password protected post)

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