5 thoughts on “Evil Speedo Corporation

  1. If I’m not mistaken, corporations will fight like crazy to avoid their names becoming a generic description because, unless contested, generic use will result in the copyright’s loss. The great examples in the States are Scotch tape and Zerox. As it turns out, the latter has somewhat fallen out of use as a synonym for “to make a copy of”. Your observation that the trade name has become a generic description only makes their case, and is behind this apparent overkill.

  2. J,

    I agree with your point mate and I do understand where ‘Speedo’ is coming from.

    I can keep registering domain names for $15 – they have to have a solicitor/lawyer to write their documents. I’m sure their legal costs are nothing to a company that size but neither is $15 for a person of my extensive ‘wealth’ – hehehe.


  3. Why not try Aussiespeedozguy.com (have checked and is available).The problem is that they do own the intellectual name rights and when people say Speedo’s to me I think of the Speedo brand. They can’t stop the name Speedoz because it is used by a share trading company in the UK. I do agree though, that they are just being over protective with their name. Probably the content of the site involved has them worried too. I am on your side but they do have some legitimate points.
    Good luck.


  4. Ironically, by you using that name you are also providing them with a lot of free advertising, promoting the brand…I say one does not bite the hand that feeds one…and Speedos is not just biting, they want to eat your hand and you as well.

  5. Shit.. This makes me nervous about my domain I’ve been working on… Its speedodan.com :S

    I hope everything is ok mate.

    Love the site, and you shouldn’t have to change a thing.

    Guess, for the sake of it, I’m gonna probably change my domain now too. Something to break it up… Hmmm!

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