2 thoughts on “Elephant Homosexual Behaviour

  1. Homoerotic behavior is fairly common in all of the higher mammals of whose sexual habits we know anything about. Male killer whales, for example, also do it quite a bit (at least the ones in the Pacific Northwest, where I’m from!). There’s a great book on all of this called Biological Exuberance by Bruce Bagemihl–it’s huge and chock full of such things, and that’s just with birds, fish and mammals!

    Well, I could certainly use some elephants and killer whales around here…!

  2. dave u would like my job i am a cleaner at a camp site and i get to do the cleaning on the male shower block so i get to see all sorts i have seen some big cocks and nice arses great bods as well it’s a effort for me not to bone up as i just wear overalls and nothing under i notice guys looking at other guys at times me to

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