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  1. 1


    Looks great, Dave! Much more professional. Clearly, Kip is earning all that hot sex with you!

  2. 2

    Dave Evans


    Kip is responsible for much of the new layout that is for sure.


  3. 3


    My vote–the new blog is much harder to get through quickly as everything is so spread out. Go back to the old format, Dave!

  4. 4


    Pretty happy with the new layout and accessibility of the site / pics / notes . . .

    Looks fresh and new as well.

  5. 5


    I know I have said it before, but a “next post” and a “previous post” within each blog post would be really great – rather than having to go back tot the main page everytime

  6. 6


    Other than that I like the new layout.

  7. 7


    To be honest I really dislike it. Really hard to read. Hate having to click through to posts… Sorry Dave, thumbs down from me!

  8. 8


    I like the layout better then the old one, but I am with Josh with a previous/next option with the post. Keep up the good work Dave and Kip!

  9. 9


    I hate it, it’s extremely un-user friendly, it’s time consuming and annoying. I just want to be able to scroll through all the posts and photos easily

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