9 thoughts on “Do you like the new layout?

  1. Looks great, Dave! Much more professional. Clearly, Kip is earning all that hot sex with you!

  2. My vote–the new blog is much harder to get through quickly as everything is so spread out. Go back to the old format, Dave!

  3. Pretty happy with the new layout and accessibility of the site / pics / notes . . .

    Looks fresh and new as well.

  4. I know I have said it before, but a “next post” and a “previous post” within each blog post would be really great – rather than having to go back tot the main page everytime

  5. To be honest I really dislike it. Really hard to read. Hate having to click through to posts… Sorry Dave, thumbs down from me!

  6. I like the layout better then the old one, but I am with Josh with a previous/next option with the post. Keep up the good work Dave and Kip!

  7. I hate it, it’s extremely un-user friendly, it’s time consuming and annoying. I just want to be able to scroll through all the posts and photos easily

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