7 thoughts on “DE Swimwear – Where next?

  1. What ever else you do keep the see though white…since it is usually not for public use…why not do an even more daring 1″ sides version…then do other colors if you want…but I say…to keep DE swimwear hot…never do lining then you would be too much like the others..how about one with a very thin small rainbow or double male circles placed on the back by your logo? GUYS IS THIS A GOOD IDEA..OR WOULD IT NOT SELL?

  2. Another thought..to differentiate DE swimwear do a tight seam up the back so the material hugs and shows off each add cheek …that would be unique and hot….

  3. I was too late jumping on ebay to get my DE swimwear. I needed them last nite for the hot tub. but they wouldn’t have stayed on very long 🙂 I would like DE on my butt.

  4. That’s great news Dave, Sold Out. I think you should do a couple of extra colours, black (yes a bit boring but at least most of us would wear them in public) and maybe either red or blue. I love white but only wear them under jeans or shorts or around the house.

    Good luck with your venture Dave. There is obviously a market out there for you.

  5. Keep the white – sexy and see through, and I like the idea of the smaller sides. And definitely no linings. Anything that shows off boners and butts.

  6. Finally got mine. Large is a little snug, but very hot, wearing them today as undies.
    When you do the new run, make a XL.
    I would go red and white, maybe offer a liner so they can be worn in public

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