The last couple of days I’ve been sleeping in and I always feel lazy when I sleep in – so this morning I made myself get up, I cooked breakfast for thye english girls and Will (Henry and Sam had the day off and were sleeping in) and then I went riding for a couple of hrs.
Getting out of bed was tough but I feel great that I’ve done it and it should get my sleep patterns back on track.
Thanks for all the comments over the last couple of days – I love reading the comments on here. One of the comments suggested that I try Gondola for G in the alphabet game. Although I’m not in Whistler, there is a gondola here in town and that is a great idea – if the gang-bang fails tonight I’ll definitely use it to fall back on.
I’ve had a pretty busy weekend with DE Swimwear. The guy who was distributing them from Melbourne has told me he doesn’t want to do it anymore – I’m not quite sure why. He has a fair bit of money of mine (I paid everything up front) and I’m really hoping that it gets sorted out OK – if I get ripped off it will take me a while for the next run of red 1″ speedos.
The remaining stock has been sent to me – hopefully they will be available again the first week of February.
Getting the email was a real kick in the guts – everything was rolling along nicely and I was planning on that new range – but I think with me having more control I can work on getting the price lower and I think that in 12 months time I’ll look back and it will be for the better.
If anyone knows of a swimwear manufacturer drop me a line.
Bugger Dave – I ordered mine about the 18th January – so I do hope they turn up …
It will be hard for you to coordinate the distribution from Canada I expect – well good luck mate
Cheers T C
Tim C,
Darn mate I didn’t even think to mention that.
Any order that was placed before today will be honored – you’ll recieve them ASAP I promise.
I think running it from Canada here will be OK and I’ll have better communication with the customers.
It might effect where I decide to live after this winter though – I might have to move back to Australia which is OK with me.
Hey Dave
thanks for the repsonse – and as it turned out they arrived in the mail this morning 24/01/2007 –
and they are F A B U L O U S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good luck with it all
Tim C
Dear Dave,
Dave, I was disturbed to read you have suspended DESwimwear. I know you put in
your best effort and they are a quality product.
I do also know you will endeavour to get things rolling again as you are a fighter
and a determined man. I do wish you the best in your efforts and perhaps you
will end up in a better situation anyway. Things happen for a reason and open
other doors for you to traverse through.
Goodluck Dave !!
Dave, i am desperateto get my hands on these, as soon as u have them available, would apreciate if ou could contact me so as i can order them. tried thru aqua daks but he says you are doing your own distribution. Hope to hear from you soon, not much of summer left. mike