2 thoughts on “Cumming back for seconds

  1. Dave- We need some of your love and attention at whitespeedos.
    Our avatars still are disabled. Help-Matt and the boys

  2. Matty,

    Sorry for the lack of attention mate. I’m back in NZ now and I’ve had a bastard of a week.

    I got super sick late last week – I was so completely useless my friends took me to the hospital where they booked me in for the night. At first they thought I had Meningococcal Disease – which scared the living shit of me.

    They ran a stack of blood tests and that wasn’t it (thank God) but I still spent 2 nights in hospital. I flew back into NZ late this evening and then drove the 4hrs home. I wasn’t supposed to fly but I had some work stuff that was really urgent and I couldn’t really afford to cancel my tickets.

    I admit I haven’t even been over to WhiteSpeedos.com since I left NZ nearly 2 weeks ago. Hopefully the 2nd half of November and December I am more productive.


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