Yes I did go back for seconds with Sam last night.
The first time in the dunes was kind of fun and kind of random and it could have easily stayed that way but Sam did have a hot body, a hot arse, he loved speedos and he did seem pretty kewl.
So let me get my days right here…Monday I got an email from Sam. Tuesday morning we rubbed and sucked each other off in the dunes, Wednesday I had to play it kewl with my hosts here and last night (Thursday) I had dinner at Sam’s.
The days are starting to confuse me because I’m not online all the time here and I’m writing some of these posts after they happened but before I’m posting them.
How it happened on Wednesday I got a couple of emails from Sam asking me if I wanted to hang out or have dinner (either at his place or at a restaurant). I told him I had commitments with my friends (which I did) but it was fun to play hard to get. He was pretty kewl about it and wasn’t pushy at all which I liked. So yesterday after I posted my recollection of the fun in the dunes I got an email from Sam about 2hrs later saying how great he thought the story was and that he thought I had put all the important events in there – hehehe.
That was pretty much the gist of his email so I replied thanking him for his compliments and that dinner at his place might give me something more to write about.
4 minutes later I got a reply back….
Location – 69 Sams St.
Time – 7pm
Attire – Optional
I thought the last line was clever so I picked up a bottle of red to go with the half bottle of duty free scotch I had left. Sam’s place was close enuf for me to walk (20 mins from my mates place) so I did.
My friend who just got engaged wasn’t too concerned since it was a Thursday night and they had been working all day. I told them it was a work dinner which was what gave me the idea of what to wear…. I had brought over my suit incase the engagement party was formal (which it wasn’t) so I decided to wear it – with a pair of black speedos of course. I would have liked to not wear a shirt under the jacket but that would have looked very odd for anyone who passed me on the road.
Sorry guys – this has taken me ages to write (a couple of interruptions). I’ll post some pics tomororw and then I’ll finish telling you what happened by Monday.
Dave- We need some of your love and attention at whitespeedos.
Our avatars still are disabled. Help-Matt and the boys
Sorry for the lack of attention mate. I’m back in NZ now and I’ve had a bastard of a week.
I got super sick late last week – I was so completely useless my friends took me to the hospital where they booked me in for the night. At first they thought I had Meningococcal Disease – which scared the living shit of me.
They ran a stack of blood tests and that wasn’t it (thank God) but I still spent 2 nights in hospital. I flew back into NZ late this evening and then drove the 4hrs home. I wasn’t supposed to fly but I had some work stuff that was really urgent and I couldn’t really afford to cancel my tickets.
I admit I haven’t even been over to since I left NZ nearly 2 weeks ago. Hopefully the 2nd half of November and December I am more productive.