I just saw the weather on the local news here and there is a good cold front coming through tonight. Snow is forecast on the ground – that only happens once a winter or sometimes not at all.
It is going to be nice and cold tomorrow morning so I’m going to keep working for another couple of hours, watch a movie and maybe have a Tim Tam or two (chocolate biscuit). Actually, I just had a look at what movies I have and I’ve got nothing!!! I’ve just started watching the Stargate SG-1 show – I hadn’t seen 5 minutes of it and Kip gave me a 10 Season DVD set so looks like that will be what I’ll do.
What would be nice though would be to have a cute guy (or girl) to cuddle tomorrow morning. Being somewhat afraid of any kind of long term relationship it isn’t something I get to do that often but I am a fan.
Yes, that’s a major thing to miss…
While I can’t usually sleep if someone is touching me, I do like to cuddle for a while before trying to sleep, and certainly before and after and during sex…But alas, many of the guys I’ve been with don’t really like it much, and the ones that do (i.e. bears) aren’t really attractive to me. Damn…
Well, I hope you are able to have lots of cuddle-age in the near future!
Laura’s clearly a nice girl, so will doubtless respond to your unhurried care and attention by putting out big time in due course, and staying on for more in the morning…
pick me… pick me
Wow..tim-tams…..could you bring me some back to the states???? an auzzie friend gave me some when i was living in china….oh my…those dipped in hot chocolate are AMAAAAAZING!
I am with you Dave, am a fan of cuddling too, especially in the cool mornings under a doona. Can never get enough !!
Tim-tams, Stargate (i’m really getting into this show – up to season 3)… you really gotta get that cuddling sorted out and then — perfection!
Thanks for your comment mate – I’m really getting into Stargate as well and Kip tells me it doesn’t get good until season 3.
Growing up I watched all the original Star Treks and this feels a little bit like that but with the underlying concept of the Gaools (I’m sure that isn’t how you spell it) I think it is better.
Since you commented on it I’ll keep you up to date with how I’m going with it. Right now I’m 5 episodes before the end of season 1.
Haha. I have wathced all the stargates through season eight. Its one of my favorite shows. And kip is right the third season is where it gets good. A p erfect evening for me would probably be cuddling with someone while watching some show like that lol.