4 thoughts on “Comfortable in your own speedo

  1. Mmmm . . . lovely models and speedos! I bought a pair of blue striped speedos from Aussiebum a few years ago . . . they’re 1.5 inch sides, 100% nylon, classics and pre-Wonderjock

    I love ’em! They feel good on and look excellent in public.

    Like you, Dave, I’m unsure whether they’re still available. I suspect not, as Aussiebum has been focusing more on underwear, board shorts and water polo lines.

    Still . . . these are fantastic!

  2. I, too, got the “soda stripes” model back when it came out, and they’re lovely…

    But, I’m not sure that the gentleman in the photos above, lovely thought he is, is necessarily wearing the specific one made by AussieBum. The AB one has slightly thicker stripes, if I recall correctly…

    Sorry to go all “speedo geek” on you there, but anyway…! 😉

  3. Dr. Phil,

    No they aren’t AussieBum ones, you have a good eye.

    I think they are Dietz, just like the 500th Speedo Photo of the Day.

    I agree with you Sam that AB is going in a different direction, I think their new lines are too much ‘fashion’ and not as much practicality. Hopefully a place in the market for my DE Swimwear.


  4. Just found this site. Love it. However, I am dying to see a picture of you in any one of your speedos.. Can you direct me?

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