3 thoughts on “Cock through speedos

  1. Hey Mr Dave!

    Got some more visible penis line speedo pics for you and your
    members in the WHITE SPEEDOS FORUM!!!

    Can’t wait until your next encounter with WILL. Maybe you WILL
    get to fuck WILL!

    And I bet you can’t wait until the letter “W” is used in your
    sex games! I don’t have to remind you that “W” is for WILL!!

    Take care….ROBBIE oxo

  2. Hey Dave,

    Long time reader and long time lover of your shinanigans and hot hot stories. I can’t believe you have so many hot hot experiences! I saw this, and thought you might like it 😉


    it’s fun!

    Take care, and keep having those hot adventures in Canada!

  3. Hi Dave,

    given that you’re at Whistler, wouldn’t a better “G” be “Gondola”? or are you saving that for “T” – Tram?


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