5 thoughts on “Cock Sandwich

  1. Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear…

    Alas, one of the things I really don’t like mixing is food and sex. Eating nice food while naked with someone, feeding each other…that’s all lovely. Ruining good chocolate by mixing it with skin and bodily fluids…eeesh, not my cuppa tea, alas.

    With the first photo above, I’m reminded of how my Japanese neighbor as a child mis-wrote that she needed to get hot dogs for our neighborhood barbecue: “Hot Dong.” Hot Dong indeed! 😉

  2. Whipped cream is fun. I remember one night with my first boyfriend when we were housesiting his aunt’s house, and we found a dozen cans of instant whipped cream.

    Those were the days…

  3. How about stirring your cocktail with your cock – what better swizzle stick is there – a nice cooling gin and tonic with a hot cock swizzle stick and your buddy to suck off the booze. In fact continuous stirring and soon all the booze is gone and a new creamy fluid shows up

  4. hahahaha wow sounds like heaps of fun!!! 🙂 i had a friend once we were at my house and we were bored as hell so we had some donuts left over… we played a little bit cock rings with the donuts haha and wen all the rings were on we started working our way thru the many layers! and then it left a relly nice sugar cinamon taste.. hahaha 😉

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