Last night was the usual shenanigans, the Swans won (that is the Sydney Swans Aussie Rules Football team for those of you not in Aussie), so the boys were all flying by the end of the game. Ended up talking to a really nice chick who is a big snowboarder and I got her number – I’ll ask you guys for some advice on how to play that later in the week.
There was an interesting development with Alex though, while at my place I was walking to my room to get something and Alex was walking out of the bathroom and he gave me a cock flash. Hahahaha – it was discrete and very cheeky of him. We haven’t had a fuck session in a week and it was a bit of a tease.
Alex’s girlfriend joined the crew before we walked down to the pub so there was no chance of any hanky panky.
I think that I might have to teach Alex a lesson in being a tease….. I know he reads this blog religiously. Perhaps I should demonstrate to Alex that it isn’t that hard for me to find a fuck buddy…..
I haven’t spoken to Tim in a few weeks, our last time together was when we had a threesome with a fuck buddy of his who was a little drunk (click here to read that post).
That is a nice long shaved cock, just ready for a good suck. I am sure I could make it longer.
So glad the Swans won. Keep up the good chronicling.