3 thoughts on “Chris or Christina

  1. Aw, hard luck, dude…That’s very unfortunate.

    Well, at least you had a choice–better to choose the wrong one than to have no choices at all, eh? Possibly not, but still…!

  2. Sorry mate but the ratio of gay to straight guy within SF is challenging for the women there. The girls will put up with a lot of boyfriend/male bs and just want to go home with anything that has a nice bod,decent job, brain a basic IQ and hopefully a piece of meat to sauce up. Your girlfriend ” C” just wanted to know she still had the touch and to show her girlfriends that she was taking some guy home.
    Guys compete in sports,etc, the girls compete in whose hanging with the cutest guys..
    Try swimming at USF Koret swimming,open lap swimming times, and you might get lucky,especially being an Aussie. Happened to me when I was visiting your Olympic pool in Sydney as well as the 50 meter pools in Melbourne.
    Good on ya…

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