9 thoughts on “Caught Naked

  1. Nope, never been caught naked ’cause I always at least have on a nylon Speedo, lol.

  2. Don,

    Unfortunately that wasn’t how it went down – actually to tell the truth I don’t have any sexual attraction to either of my room mates and both are completely str8.

    But if they ever did offer I wouldn’t say know – it won’t suck itself right?


  3. Personally, I think you were askin’ for it: just look at how you were dressed! 😉

    No, that’s never happened to me. I’ve occasionally walked in on others accidentally, but it never lead to anything “interesting.” And these days, when it happens (because I often hang out with a pretty nude-friendly crowd generally), it’s nothing to get excited over, usually. (Though the women more than the men are the ones who don’t mind walking around naked amongst my immediate circle of associates.)

  4. Would have luved to walk in on you like that. I know I would have sucked that cock then maybe we could have 69’d.

  5. Never been caught unexpectedly. However, have strategically placed myself sometimes to ‘be caught’ and hope that tht enticed someone in to greater things, yet alas it has always been to no avail.

  6. When I was in the army, I was changing out of my day uniform into fatigues when a female soldier that was grounded at the base opened the door on me, just at the money shot. I asked her if I could help her somehow, and she just blushed, shut the door and fled the scene.

  7. In old flat of mine, the only bathroom had 2 doors, one into the Hallway, and the other into my room. I was also the only person in the flat with a computer too. I would frequently forget my towel when going for a shower (you can see where this one is going). This one morning, after forgetting the towel again, I walked back into my room and my hot, straight flatmate saw me and my full glory. Sadly there were lots of screaming and neither of us talked about it again.

  8. i was being fucked and my room mate came in and we had a threesome on the balcony

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