These are posts that have anything to do with speedos – I’m sure this is going to be a big one.
This is the reason speedos were invented….
If anyone tells you that speedos look ugly… show them this cute blonde guy wearing nothing but speedos and ask them to repeat their comments about speedos.
This pic was submitted on the forum.
Today I cleaned out all the dead links on the blogroll (down the right hand side). What I thought was going to take me half an hour ended up taking me 3hrs and several ejaculations later after I got reading some of the great blogs that link here.
Here is a pic I found on one of the blogs – this guys speedos are see through…..
After much contemplation last night I did walk into town. I didn’t actually drink anything when I got out and I did a bit of a tour of all the clubs (there is no cover charge anywhere – so I just walked in and walked out).
No action but I grabbed a burger on the way home and the guy who served me was cute enuf that he would melt steel. I was definitely flirting a bit with him and he is a snowboarder as well and he will be heading up to the mountain on Sunday – I’m going to have to see if I can find him on Sunday up there and give him some pointers. I have absolutely no idea if he is gay or str8 (probably str8) but I can have a cute str8 friend can’t I?
Today is a beautiful day outside but I’m going to be a hermit and get my head down and do some work. I’ve had 4 wanks this morning so I can concentrate on work. I definitely was hard this morning though.
Tonight I might be joining Peter and some of his work mates for a game of poker – should be fun but I might offer to be the designated driver.
I hope you guys like erections in speedos….
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