These are my gay experiences.
Christmas day here for the next hour and I’ve just ticked C off in the Alphabet game with the help of Henry.
This period of time leading up to Xmas and through New Years is the busiest for staff up here. All the staff get extra long hours and nobody gets any days off – since nobody has family here it isn’t as bad as it sounds.
Since everyone is working late tonight I cooked up a rack of beef (you know with the bones hanging out). I had never cooked this before but I saw it on a TV cooking show last week and it looked easy enuf. Henry and Sam went down town on Friday so I ordered the meat and they picked it up. I had roast potatoes and roast sweet potatoes, some boiled carrots and beans and gravy of course (the gravy is where the C comes in – hehehe).
Well I did write that first half on Xmas Day but I got interrupted (Will was home and I wanted to suck some cock). It is now a couple of days later….
So back to C for Christmas Day. I’ve got to duck out again in like 5 mins and I’m sitting on my bed wearing nothing but a pair of my new speedos and my laptop. I’m meeting Will, Amy, Sam and Henry out at the main pub in town.
OK now back to the story. I’m going to have to give you guys the short version. Ends up I’m cooking dinner and putting it on plates to go into the fridge for everyone when they get home (they get home at different times). Henry is hanging around and using my laptop to send some emails and then he asks me what I’m doing for C in the Alphabet.
I had been having some troubles but you guys had given me some ideas and ‘Constraint’ was one that definitely appealed to me.
Henry said he was having some trouble as well – cock sucking was just to obvious. Then I thought of maybe Christmas Dinner.Â
“How would that work” asked Henry.
“I eat my Christmas Dinner off you mate” was my reply.
I wasn’t quite sure how Henry would take this – the most sexual I had gotten with him was our Bukkake session and neither Will nor I had actually touched him or vice-versa.
Henry’s eyebrows raised and his mouth kind of tightened and he said – “That would work. And it would surprise the hell out of Sam aye.” Henry isn’t even Canadian (he is from Spokane in Washington State) but like the rest of us we are adding Aye to the end of most sentences.
I think that was a formal offer don’t you guys?
Since I had everything out on the table I told Henry to lie on the kitchen bench – from there I servered up my Christmas Dinner (turkey, ham, roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas and a couple of carrots) on Henry. He was naked (sorry I’m skipping some things I’m running out of time here guys). Then once all the food was on his very very smooth stomach I poured the warm gravy over my dinner.
When I started pouring gravy Henry wasn’t hard at all – but by the time I got through my dinner – I didn’t use a knife or fork – he was rock hard. I made sure to lick up all the gravy which has spilled over onto the kitchen bench.
Getting the last bit of gravy was what ensured Henry has a rock solid erection.
I then proceeded to suck this straight acting American guy off.
My biggest surprise of the night (which until that time had been Henry’s willingness to all of this) was when he told me that he wanted to have his Christmas Dinner off me.
So I stripped down (I was wearing speedos under my cargos) and I got to enjoy exactly what Henry had just enjoyed.
By far the best Xmas dinner I have ever had!!!!!!
I was just surfing around this morning and I came across this foto.
There are a couple of things that strike me about this foto.Â
Firstly – we have a leather couch just like that one in our condo (although ours might be a little older and more worn). Secondly – that guy looks amazingly like Henry, same kind of hair, Henry has THOSE boxers, Henry has a tattoo on his arm. I think Henry would be a bit taller than the guy in the foto though.
I told Will about the game we were both sitting in our room and we started to think of words through the alphabet. I was getting pretty horny with Will telling me all these things we could do just to knock off a letter.
Will has some pretty good ideas and I’m more than happy to help him out with those – this is going to be an exploration in sexuality for both of us I think. We figure that our backup plan can always be places or people – say for T if we can’t figure that out we just have to find a guy with a name starting with T – sounds easy right – hehehehe.
All this sex talk and both of us were getting pretty horny – I wear speedos all the time when it is just Will and I in our room so my erection is public knowledge, Will does it a fair bit himself but he does like those tighter fitting boxer shorts which was what he was wearing now (that is a habit I’ll have to break – speedos are the only way to go). Still I could see he was getting horny with all this sex talk.
I suppose we should start with A. The first two words that came to mind with A was Anal and Amy. Will was keen to knock on Amy’s door but we weren’t sure if she was home and I’ve had enuf of screwing with girls around. Although Anal infront of Amy would have to be worth double points….. And I’m guessing that the other guys in the house would use Amy for their A task.
Anal it would have to be. What a bummer – hehehehe mind the pun.
That was that and Will and I started making out – I was going to be the bottom and as usual when I recieve I came while Will was fucking me. I asked Will if he wanted me to fuck him but he wasn’t so keen – he did say that he wanted to work up to it though – which is fine by me.
So the letter A has been ticket off the list and we are already thinking about B – B is going to be a tough one. Help me out by leaving your comments.
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