These are boring posts – day to day stuff.
Right now I’m stealing wireless net connection from someone.
I’m in a condo complex in Vancouver – boarded Whistler today which was perhaps the best I’ve ever skiied Whistler EVER.
The guys I’m staying with I met 3 years ago and they have gone a but pussy (in Austrlian we’d say they have gone to custard).
I brought these guys a tonne of liquor in exchange for looking after me and none of them are drinking at all – so I’m staying up late to do some site updates and a blog update and trying to consume as much of this grog as I can (I paid for it after all).
Obviously since everyone else is in bed I ain’t going to get any of these str8 boys drunk enuf to have some fun with.
Talk more tomorrow night when I get home guys.
What an amazing day!!!!
Guys today was huge. I started off this morning waking up with Will entering my room. My techie left at like 6am and I slept though that – to be honest I got up and went to the bathroom around 7am and it was then that I got into my brand new black speedos (click here to see a foto) and I fell back to sleep.
Will woke me up when whe arrived at just after 10am. I got out of bed sporting my morning boner (wearing nothing but my black speedos) – Will told me that it was exactly the welcome he was waiting for.
As you can imagine things turned rather sexual and although I kept my black speedos on – my cock didn’t necessarily stay inside them – you want to read more then check out ‘my site‘.
After some action with Will I headed out boarding – we had 4cms last night – and it was nice. All my another buddies were working today so I was riding on my own. I ended up catching a chairlift with the 3 guys and started talking (as I do). These 3 guys were having their first run at the resort and 2 of them owned a condo at Whistler and they sounded like they were good skiiers (althought I don’t like skiiers that much – hehehe just joking).
These guys sounded pretty kewl and they were asking where to go to find some powder (it was nearly midday by now) so since I had nobody to ride with I said I’d show them around. For the next 4hrs I showed them some of the local spots on the mountain and it is always better skiing with other people.
At the end of the day I took them to a bar for a few drinks (which is right next door to my condo) and we shot some pool. As things were breaking up these guys asked me if I would come around for dinner as I had guided them around the mountain all day. Hell yeah I said!!! They were staying at one of the flashier hotels in town (nothing like the Fairmont or anything but flash for us). They said that they were cooking up a roast chicken with all the trimmings – sounds just like home. 7pm was the time I was to be there and I wasn’t to bring anything.
I rocked up at 7:15pm with a bottle of Rye (Canadian Scotch). These guys had everything cooking and I sat down in the lounge – really nice place and if anyone wants to come over then I can definitely recommend this place. The fireplace was going and I drank Rye and coke while these guys drank red wine.
Then Stephen, sitting next to me, said that there was something that he thought I should know…..
“Dave, I don’t mean to sound awkward (did I spell that right?), but we are all gay.”
I had kinda guessed it a little bit but these guys were just like my Dad on a ski trip with 2 of his buddies. Just kewl guys and being a bit older they had some awesome stories and could hold a conversation without me having to say a word.
“Stephen – mate it is OK. I’m a gay guy myself.” I replied.
You should have seen the relief go out of this guys forehead!!! He looked so much more relaxed. I spend the next 5 minutes explaining that I was gay but didn’t mind having sex with girls to fit in and that I had never really met any other gay people who I could have a decent conversation with, without them turning queen on me.
The night was fantastic, good conversation, great food and more liquor than I could drink.
These guys are here until the end of the week and I’m taking them out for a tour tomorrow morning at 9am so being 11:30pm here I better get to bed. Nothing hanky-panky, just great guys and bloody fast skiiers. Hopefully I’ll be able to tell you more about them over the next couple of days.
I’m off to bed – need sleep.
Jeff organised a foto shoot for this tanline competition. Remember the winner of the competition gets a pair of CheekyNatures – click here to see their site.
This is the email Jeff send me about his foto shoot.
Okay I’ve got a beer in my hand and I’m ready to tell the trials of getting these fotos. Just to give you a little background I’ve modeled since I was a kid.Mostly runway fashion shows and some catalogue work. It helps put me through school.
When I got to college I found out you can make some bucks by modeling for art classes and photography classes. Mostly in a Speedo and sometimes nude.
The guy that teaches the photography class has always offered to take fotos of me for free so I asked him to help me out on the tanline shots. No problem just come by the studio Friday.
So I pack my Speedos and head over to his studio. He sets up his background and camera and says
“Let’s start out with some fotos with your clothes on.”
I say fine and we do shots of me in my jeans and t-shirt.
“Those are great, now let’s get your shirt off and photograph those abs Jeff.”
He comes over and pulls my Tshirt over my head and unzips my jeans. This is a guy who is like a Grandfather to me but we go on. Then he tells me to loose the jeans which I do leaving me wearing my black Speedos.
He tells me let’s try something else before the Speedo shots and hands me a pair of tighty whitey underwear. Now I haven’t wore tighty whities since I was 8 and I tell him so. He tells me trust him it will be hot. So I take off my Speedos and slip into the brief. We take some butt fotos and he praises my swimmer’s bubble butt. He sets me in a chair to take some frontal shots but pauses to say they’d be hotter if I was hard in the shots.
Whoa I say.
If you want these fotos for free he says then I’m in charge. He then proceeds to grab me and bend me over his knee and begins to spank my ass hard. Are you going to listen? Smack! Okay just let me go. I get up with a huge hardon. Now that’s what I want he says. He snaps away.
Next he wets me down with water until my white briefs are see through and proceeds to take more pictures. I remind him I’ve been here an hour but no tanline shots.T hat’s next he says and starts ripping the white cotton material from my briefs. Stop I say but by then I’m only wearing the waist band. Now Jeff show off that tanline and he smacks my ass.
We finally get to the Speedo shots and I model my white Aussiebums which he soaks down with water too making them see through. He has me remove them for some shots and then a shot with my waterpolo ball covering my cock but showing my tanlined butt.
That should win you that contest he smiles.
You know what these fotos are for I ask? You think you young guys are the only one who reads Dave’s blog? I thank him and tell him I don’t know how to thank him. He walks over and starts milking my cock until I start to shoot and he takes my white Aussiebums and I cum in them. I’ll keep these as payment he says but I want to take fotos of you in those CheekyNatures.
The things I do for you mate! Jeff.
Jeff you are a bloody legend mate and I can’t wait to see those pics.
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