Ideas about this blog.
Free movie links have been updated guys – down the right side there.
Also – got an erotic story emailed to me this morning from one of the blog fans (Michael). Very hot erotic story and I’ll be putting it up tomorrow – after I read this story (which Michael tells me is true) I have masturbated twice since reading it.
In the new layout (which everyone seems to be pretty happy with) I added in some free movie download links (they are down the right hand side towards the bottom).
As part of my mountain of work I’ve been making up some new free movie galleries for some promo work on my site so once I’m done making them up I will update those free movie links.
Keep an eye on this spot later today.
Hey guys – been flat out working on my site the last week or so. Had 6 new model shoots that I’ve been adding in which day about a day each. But all a good problem.
But being busy means I don’t get to play in my speedos – I’m trying to line something up for this weekend coming so we’ll see what happens there – I’ll tell you more later in the week.
I have been talking some guys who read this blog on MSN Messenger and a couple have offered to put their own speedo experiences in writing – so I’ve decided – if you write about your experiences in speedos in a story then I’ll give you 30 days free membership to my site – Of course the story has to be good – hehehe. I’d prefer true stories (as all the stories I’ve posted here on the blog did actually happen) and everyone in your story has to be over 18yo.
I’m interested to see what you guys come up with. My email address is davespeedoevans at hotmail dot com (I write it like that to prevent bots from adding my email to spam lists).
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