Ideas about this blog.
I’ve seen these charts over the last couple of days on the box and I’m not sure I quite agree with them.
My view on gay marriage is, why not. I don’t want to impose on anyone or any religious organisation and force them to marry gay people but there is no reason for that to impose on a non-catholics rights.
My problem with these charts that have been branded about is that in 2008 California voted on Prop 8 and gay marriage was voted down 52 to 48 (there abouts). California has to be one of the more liberal minded states in the US and if they couldn’t even vote for it, I can’t imagine some of those more conservate states coming even close to those stats.
Do you think maybe when people are asked in public that they might say that they support gay marriage but in the privacy of a voting booth they wouldn’t? I’m sure all 4 of my grandparents are not in favour of gay marriage and probably not my parents. On the other hand, the right wing/republican friends of mine here in the US who are around my age, they support gay marriage (again, maybe just in public though).
What do you think about the figures in the charts below?
How was your weekend guys? Anything naughty happen?
It was pretty quiet here, there is no snow on the forecast so nobody is all that excited about boarding right now.
Kip and I had a pretty quiet weekend with the exception of Saturday night. We hit up Cecilias Bar – don’t ask, it isn’t my favourite place. Kip picked up this girl which was great for him. I played the good wing-man, gave him some space and played the ‘place-holder’ when he needed to go to the bar. I thought the girl was kinda cute, he wasn’t as impressed after he dropped her back at her hotel room the next morning.
Poor Kip – everybody give him an “Ahhhhh, poor Kip.”
I think we are going to go boarding this morning for an hour or so and then we both have a shit tonne of work to get done. I’ve got some paperwork – whoohoooo!!! And I have about 30 pairs of my DE Swimwear that I have to post – you can get yours, just join and I”ll post them out to you.
Yesterday I checked out the pool that they have here in Breckenridge, it is a weird length, maybe 33 yards? There was only a couple of people in it, like 2. It is pretty expensive to join so I’m not sure I will. I’ll just have to practice my breathing on Kip…..
Last time I was up here in Colorado Kip and I hosted a ‘speedo party’ at his place. That was back in May and it was awesome.
Kip’s sister was dating this cute guy at the time and he didn’t want to speedo it up but we told him he wasn’t allowed in the house unless he did and Kip’s sister backed us up on it.
The Denver boys are coming for it and it will be a half str8 and half gay kind of party. Should be fun and if anyone here is going to be up in the mountains this weekend drop me a line.
Check out these guys – we need guys like this at the party me thinks.
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