I’m up early this Monday after a fun weekend, although my Brisbane Lions were spanked by the Sydney Swans (Aussie Rules Football) last night.
Just talking to Kip and he is heading out to California in June and wanted me to ask you guys some advice on beaches and places that might be speedo friendly. He is heading out there for a family wedding and will be staying somewhere near Thousand Oaks, he’ll have a car and will be looking forward to working on his speedo tan after a long Colorado winter.
Anyone live out there or traveled out there and have any ideas on pools or quiet beaches that he would enjoy?
I’d love to go and join him…. maybe I’ll see if there are any cheap flights into LA.
Well…we are in California….so Just Google either nude or gay beaches and yelp will come up with their locations,pictures, ratings and comments by those that frequent them….Also do not miss THE WATER GARDEN. It is best totally gay bath house,pool,large hot tub, steam room, play garden and video room. Many guys from the city vim down. They have theme nights for special interests…(bears etc.)….just Google for their web site, activities, and location. They are about an hour south of the city in San Jose, but we’ll worth the drive. Admission allows you to stay in a private room for 12 hours…so you can drive down for a night of fun in the play rooms sleep with a, or a few, new buddies and leave in the morning….
OPPS….”vim down” should have been “cum down” above