The beach was just gorgeous yesterday!!!
Once I started walking south from the carpark I didn’t see another human being for 2 hours. Nice work on my speedo tan and I got some paperwork done.
I noticed this morning that my speedo tan is probably the best it has ever been. I’ve been back for 10 weeks or so and I haven’t had that many days like yesterday just tanning but swimming laps during the day is probably responsible for most of it. It got me thinking about my body changes since I’ve gotten back from Colorado.
I’ve lost 5kgs (10lb) since I’ve been back and I really haven’t been trying. Just being outdoors a bunch and walking the 1km or 2kms to town pretty much every day just to get lunch or milk and bread has had an effect and I suppose I am swimming a bit more than I was when I was living in Breckenridge. The weather is mild enough here during the winter that I hope my schedule/routine won’t change too much otherwise I’m sure those 5kgs will return quick smart.
I’d love to hear anyone else’s body changes over the last few months, those in the northern hemisphere are coming into summer so there will be lots of speedo time for you guys.
Just talking about this and the pic of the guy below has motivated me to get off my arse and go to the pool. Have a good day guys.
yeap, get off the couch, mow the grass, bike ride and get ready for hiking. Last weekend for some ski resorts. I need to lose about 10lb also. oh yes get the hot tub ready and grilling !
You’re dead right, Dave . . . It’s amazing the body changes some exercise brings. I took up some serious swimming over summer – about a kilometre a day – and lost 1 kg (well, there’s not much of me to start with . . .) BUT . . . my tummy went flat, I started feeling a lot better and I had to buy a couple of new speedos (Size S) because the usual ones were becoming floppy and sagging in the water! (Nice firm ass again!!) I like my new appearance so much, I’m thinking of driving across to another town and swimming in their heated pool all winter.
Beer Doc,
Kip has said how sloppy and slow the snow has been the last couple of weeks but he is expecting a snowy weekend. You guys will be skiing the basin into June right?
Sam Speedo, like yourself mate, I feel that I have toned a lot more than the weight I’ve lost. I just feel fitter with my swimming.
Go the small speedos!!!
This guy has a great package on him, I hope all agree.
Yes Darren I agree.
If only.