This post is for Dr. Phil. The long time Canadian blog reader and supporter requested some blue speedo photos after I posted some of my favourite black speedo photos last week.
Your new DE Swimwear are in the post as well Dr. Phil.
I really like that last speedo – very practical!!! Easy access for a quick blowjob and I love that little pocket on the left hip.
I’ve got the blues, Dave…and in the context of the present post, that’s a very good thing indeed!
Just one small correction: I’m American, actually, but I live quite close to Canada. (People in Europe always thought I was Canadian, too, though…because I was too nice and smart to be an American! I weep for what that says about this country, alas…)
Thank you for all of the fabulous work you (and Kip!) do here, and elsewhere! My visual stimulation would be much more impoverished if it weren’t for your efforts!
Also: gentleman #4 above is my favorite…he almost resembles Chris Pine from the new Star Trek movies…
Front-zippered speedos are very hot, but one has to be quite careful with them. Unless there’s a protective flap on the inside, it can be very easy to get someone’s bits caught in the zipper, which is painful and not at all enjoyable…I speak from experience, unfortunately, on this!
And (crikey, too many comments!), thank you for your generosity, Dave! Do you have my correct current address, though? E-mail me and let me know…