Well guys it is Saturday night here and I’m watching the rugby here doing some work in nothing but a pair of black aussiebums. So – in the spirit of what I’m doing right now I’m posting 3 of my favourite black speedo pics.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do – I’m sure I’ll have at least 2 wanks tonight.
Would love to be that bench right now!
Would love to be on top of the guy on top of the bench right now.
Boston Kenn
Bob and Boston Kenn – I’ve got some more pics of that young guy on the bench. I’m not 100% sure who he is but I think he is a porn actor as I have at least 1 pic of him with 4 hard cocks around his face.
I’ll have a search for the photos and post them up here early in the week. If you are a member of SwimmerBoyz.com run a search for black speedos and you’ll find his pics (there is one with the black speedos down a bit) and then run a search on blow jobs as you’ll find another one of him.
He is cute hey.
go kiwis, woot! woot!
i was born there, so at times like these i turn…
if i was wif that guy on the bench id be having the funnest wildest sex wif him
love the guy in the black speedos such a turn on
keep the good work up mate.
form andrew new zealand